Workshop E-tech Element Submarine Ferromanganese Crusts
- Detalhes
- Publicado: Terça, 17 Novembro 2015
O avanço tecnológico está, cada vez mais, gerando demanda por minerais raros e de alta importância para a fabricação de chips e outros componentes. Um dos maiores repositórios de tais materiais estão em regiões profundas dos oceanos na forma de nódulos polimetálicos e crostas cobaltíferas. Para entender melhor como estes depósitos são formados e quais os possíveis impactos de sua exploração, pesquisadores do IOUSP e do National Oceanography Centre do Reino Unido uniram-se em um projeto financiado pela FAPESP e NERC-UK com duração de 5 anos. No dia 8 de dezembro de 2015, a FAPESP sediará o Workshop E-tech Element Submarine Ferromanganese Crusts, que tem por intuito apresentar o projeto à sociedade.
Programação |
8:30 |
Registration |
9:00 |
Opening session |
Theme 1: Introduction and Overview (chair: Luigi Jovane) |
9:15 |
MarineE-tech: Submarine Ferromanganese Oxide Deposits as a Major Resource of E-tech Elements – FAPESP/NERC Call |
9:30 |
The Role of IOUSP in MarineE-tech Deep-Ocean Research at Rio Grande Rise |
9:45 |
Critical Metals and Security of Raw Material Supply: The Role of Deep-Ocean Resources and ‘Blue Growth’ |
10:20 |
Coffee break |
10:40 |
Review of State-of-Knowledge Concerning the Origin and Evolution of Polymetallic Crusts and Nodules in the Global Ocean |
11:20 |
Legal-Technical Interface Between Maritime Territorial Sovereignty and Exploitation of Marine Resources in the Area, (Alan Evans, The National Oceanography Centre (NOCS) , United Kingdom |
12:00 |
Plenary: FAPESP/NERC Call and Scientific Challenges for Future Research |
12:30 |
Lunch |
Theme 2: Previous Research on Rio Grande Rise Mineral Exploration (chair: Alexander Turra) |
14:00 |
ABNJ and Law of the Sea |
14:15 |
Brazilian Exploration of Minerals from the Deep-Ocean |
14:30 |
Brazilian Scientific Agenda for Deep-Ocean Research and Exploration |
14:45 |
Management of Deep-Ocean Mineral Exploration |
15:00 |
Plenary: Science-Policy Integration Perspectives |
15:30 |
Coffee break |
Theme 3: Future Research on Rio Grande Rise (chair: Frederico Brandini) |
15:45 |
The Deep Seafloor Ecosystem |
16:00 |
The Role of Lithotrophyc Bacteria in the Formation of Deep-Ocean Polimetallic Deposits |
16:15 |
Geological and Geophysical Studies to Detect Polimetallic Deposits and Discover Their Age and Origin |
16:30 |
Potential Hydrodynamic Conditions Adjacent to the Polimetallic Deposits |
16:45 |
Sustainability of Deep-Ocean Exploration – Challenges and Opportunities |
17:00 |
Plenary: Identifying Gaps and Aggregating New Approaches |
17:30 |
Closing session
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